Y’all my french door fridge was in bad shape. It was super chaotic in there and nothing was organized and it was just an overall big, big mess. I knew something needed to be done to help control the chaos! So I figured I would share everything I did on how to organize a French door refrigerator. That way, if you have one too, you can take all my best tips and tricks and run with them!
I feel like having a french door fridge is almost harder in a way to organize than a regular one. When we first got ours, I felt like I didn’t have enough room to store as much things. Which therefore became a crazy big mess. I would just keep adding things in there, some that I may have already had in there before and just didn’t know it!
That’s why it’s crucial to organize- and stay organized- with your fridge! Hopefully, I am not the only one who has had this problem before. And now that that my fridge is nice and organized, I am happy to open it up and look into it! It doesn’t give me as much anxiety as it did before! So be sure to keep on reading to see my step-by-step guide on how to organize everything in your fridge!

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1. Throw Away All Out of Date Items
This may be an obvious one, and I know I should do this more, but I let it slack for awhile. Before you do any organizing, go in and remove all the food items that are out of date. I couldn’t believe all the sauces and salad dressings that I had in my fridge still that were several months out of date!
Go through all your crisper drawers too and make sure there isn’t anything there that needs to be thrown out too. Deep dive into the bottom of the fridge too and make sure nothing is left behind! It felt so good to get rid of all the food waste that was bogging my fridge down!
Keep in mind all the expiration dates on the items and if things are getting close to expiring, move them towards the front of your fridge so you know to use them sooner rather than later.
Also be sure to go through all the perishable items like deli meat, leafy greens, cheese sticks, raw meats etc. I pulled everything out from the back of the refrigerator and went through it before putting it back in.
I’m pretty sure I had some almond milk in the back of the fridge that was there for months!! So gross! Already, the fridge was looking much better after clearing out all the old food in there!

2. Remove All Shelves and Deep Clean
Next, we removed all the food that we were still keeping from the fridge and placed it on the kitchen island. We wanted to start with a complete clean slate. Then, we removed the lower shelves and upper shelves and washed them with warm, soapy water in the kitchen sink. ,
We also removed all the adjustable shelves from the fridge door and washed them too. After washing all the shelves and even the deli drawers, we placed everything back into the fridge, starting with the very bottom shelf.

3. Place Shelves Back Into Fridge
When you are putting your shelves back into the fridge, you may want to consider the placement. All of ours are adjustable so we can move them round to what works best for us. For example, think of the middle shelf and how it is right at eye level and has easy access.

You may want to put the most reached for food items and drinks there. Whereas the very top shelf, you may want to put things that aren’t used on a daily basis there instead.

Once the shelves were back in place, we went back in with a multi purpose cleaning spray and a microfiber cloth really scrubbed the seams and all the other inside parts of the fridge. Already, it was looking like a brand new refrigerator!
4. Organize The Fridge
Now that you have deep cleaned your fridge, you can place all the food back in and organize it the exact way you want to. I highly recommend getting clear bins from the Container Store, Amazon, or even your local Dollar Tree to help you organize.
To keep costs down, we grabbed a few bins from our Dollar Tree. Although, they didn’t have any clear storage bins. They did, however, have plenty of small, white multi-purpose bins that we used instead and it worked out perfectly.
We got a few skinny bins that hold smaller items such as our drinks in place and keeps things nice and organized. Plus, we can easily see when we are running low and need a restock now! You could also get a lazy Susan and throw it in your fridge. This would help you organize different types of food on it too.
I also got a few bins that were a different size and I placed a lot of our fresh produce in those as well. Keeping the fruit in the bins also helps because we no longer get any leaks or stains directly on the shelves. Especially since we worked so hard to scrub clean earlier!
Having bins of different sizes definitely helped with the storage capacity of the fridge! It’s nice to be able to have an easy reach to all of our favorite foods and drinks. And it makes for a very well-organized refrigerator in my opinion too!
If you really wanted to be extra organized and fancy, you could even use a label maker and label all the bins too. But, I figured that step was unnecessary. Because you could easily see everything we already had in the fridge after organizing it all.

5. Keep Your Fridge Organized!
Well now that we got everything organized, it feels like a completely brand new fridge to us! However, my goal this year is to continually organize and clean it on a regular basis. Like I said above, I was super slack about it and now it is time to step it up and keep it going!
It’s the little things like making sure all the various items are contained in a bin or drawer and keeping it all in the right storage space. I can’t just throw food in there after a grocery shopping trip like I was doing in the past!Ā
I am so happy with how clean and organized the entire refrigerator looks now! And I hope all these tips and tricks will help you organize your French door refrigerator too. It may not be the most fun thing to do, but man is it rewarding after it’s finally done!!
If you’re ready to organize another area in your home too, be sure to check out all my tips and tricks on how to organize your pantry too. Pantries and refrigerators go hand in hand so this would be the next best step to take when organizing your home!

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