Y’all know I love home decor around here, but I also love having a beautiful set of nails! I always try to have my nails painted just because I feel more put together if I do. But let’s be honest, that doesn’t always happen. And especially since I’m a dental hygienist and I am constantly washing my hands. Every time I do paint my nails, they don’t last very long with my line of work! So from the moment I discovered Colorstreet nails, let’s just say I was hooked!

Colorstreet Nail Pack
So everything you need comes in the pack. it includes the set of nails, a nail prep wipe, and a nail file too. There is enough to do your nails and toenails if you want to do both.
I like to do that during the Summer. And then during the Winter, I just double up on my nails and don’t do anything to my toenails since no one really sees them when wearing boots!

My favorite thing about Colorstreet nails are that they are 100% made from real nail polish and there is no drying time required!
Once you stick them on, they are completely dry and done! It’s so easy, I literally couldn’t believe it when I first tried it. They also last up to 14 days which is so incredible. I never have my painted nails last that long.
And they come in so many fun colors, glitters, and patterns. I recommend getting the glitter sets because I feel like they last the longest and they are just so sparkly and pretty in my opinion!

Nail Prep
So the first thing I do is use the nail prep wipe and clean all my nails first. I should also note that you don’t want to have any lotion or anything like that on your hands because a lot of the time, the oils from the lotion keep the nails from sticking well so be sure to not put any on before.
The best time to do these nails is right before bed. Although there is no drying time, it’s best to let them “cure” overnight while you are sleeping.
I have found by doing this, these nails will last me a lot longer compared to the times when I don’t.

DIY Christmas Mani
Once you have cleaned your nails, it’s time to stick the Colorstreet nails on! I just go through the different sizes and see which one fits my nail best and go from there.
Once you stick it on, you can see there’s a lot left over. So you can re-use the other side on another nail! I typically just use my nail and bend it behind and it usually tears right off.
You can also use the nail file and file it back to the actual size of your nail too. They are very easy to apply once you get the hang of them!

I definitely recommend you try these out if you love to have painted nails, but don’t like to actually do it yourself. If you are interested in ordering you some, then click here!
And if you try some out, let me know how much you love them! I am sure you will get hooked, just like I did!

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