So if you’re like me, then you probably burn through candles like crazy. And up until now, I would just throw the jar away because I didn’t really have a use for them. But here recently I discovered a quick and easy DIY for Christmas using my old candle jars. I made these DIY Snow Globes out of the old jars!
I love being able to repurpose old things and find a new use for them. You can also use any kind of jar you have laying around your house too, like a mason jar.
I just wanted to reuse these candle jars I had because I loved the shape and the lid for them too. And since the lid screws on and off, they are perfect for this kind of project.
I wouldn’t recommend using a candle whose lid pops on off easily because you wouldn’t want all that fake snow falling out!

Below is the candle that I used for this project. I really love these candles and I get quite a few of them a month. And once I burn all the way through them, I put them in the freezer for a couple of hours.
Then, I take them out and use a butter knife to pop out the remaining wax. Once I get the wax all out, I wash the jar in hot, soapy water to clean it well.
Be sure to check out my other post, How to Get Candle Wax Out of Jars, for a more in depth tutorial.
I could not get the wick out of this jar but it didn’t really matter because I was going to cover the bottom of the jar with the fake snow.

Supplies Needed for DIY Snow Globes:
- A candle jar (or any other kind of jar with a lid)
- Fake buffalo snow
- Small bottle brush trees
- Festive twine and/or ribbon
I got that big pack of bottle brush trees below from Hobby Lobby for like less than $5! All of their Christmas was 50% off when I went so that was a steal.
And that way I had plenty of leftovers for other Christmas projects too!

So are you ready for how incredibly easy this DIY is?! All you have to do is pour some of that fake buffalo snow into the bottom of the jar.
Fill it up as much or as little as you want and then place a Christmas tree on top. Also, if you had any other cute Christmas figurines, those would work too.
I would love to make one with a red truck and a Christmas tree as well. Then just screw the lid on, tie some string around the top of the jar and you are done!
How easy is that?! And it’s even easier if you’re using a mason jar and not repurposing a candle jar! This literally took me 5 minutes to put together and it didn’t cost much at all either.
I have plenty leftover supplies to make more as well.

These would make the perfect Christmas gifts or a great craft to do with your kids one afternoon. It’s super easy and fun to make and does not require much time at all.
If you make one too, let me know! I would love to hear how it all turned out for you as well!

This is such a cute idea!! I love repurposing old candle jars, and this would work with mason jars or cleaned pasta sauce jars. It looks super affordable and cute and perfect for any Christmas decor!
Thank you so much! Reusing pasta jars would be so perfect for this too!
What a wonderful idea! I am one of those people that have a hard time getting rid of something that I may use at a later date. Now I know what I can do with my jars! I think this would be a great activity to use at a Holiday Craft party for kids. And you know that the parents will want to get involved too!
Yes! Exactly! It’s easy enough for kids, but also fun enough for the parents to join in too! It would be so perfect for a party!
I actually have a candle that ‘finished’ last nite so this is the perfect idea for what to do with the jar! I like that it is quick and easy too!
Oh perfect! Yes, you should definitely try it out with that candle jar and let me know how it goes!
What a great craft idea! I can’t wait to do this with my daughter who loves crafting. She is going to love this!
Awe yay! This will be perfect then for you guys to do together! Enjoy it!
This is a brilliant plan! I have a lot of candle jars that I thought I could use them for something else. I will surely try this. Thanks for the idea!
No problem! I’m glad you can find an easy and fun use for them now!
These are so cute! I never throw away candle jars, and my husband has to sneak them out of the house a couple at a time. 🙂 Haha this is a great idea to put them to use! Who couldn’t use more winter/Christmas decor?
Exactly what I think too! You can always use more Christmas decor! And this way you don’t have to throw out candle jars too!
I adore mason jar snowglodes and just love how easy this makes it out to be! Also would make awesome gifts!
I know right!? They really would make an awesome gift! And it’s very affordable and easy to do!